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Apresenta os regionalismos, dialetos e diversos falares dos brasileiros; as dificuldades por língua materna; escrita x pronúncia; dicas de atividades e sites. Formato e-book, 204 páginas. 

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Pronunciation in Portuguese as a Foreign Language Classes

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PFL Teacher Training

Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL)

Portuguese Second Language (L2)

Celpe-Bras Training Course

Update Grammar for Brazilians

Business Portuguese

Grupo Sou Brasil

Camilla Wootton Villela

Graziela Naclério Forte

Lucila Mitsuyo Yamashita

São Paulo - Brazil

Proof Reading

of the English Language - Laís Ratero

of the Spanish Language - Adriana Garzón Mozo

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Company Name: Lucila Mitsuyo Yamashita Matsumoto

Trade Name: Intercultural Portal

Business Address: Rua Galvão Bueno, 409 - sala 23 

Bairro da Liberdade, São Paulo, SP, CEP: 01506-000

CNPJ: 30.137.489/0001-09


Phone/Whatsapp: 55 11 91311-1764

Store product delivery policy: immediate download.

Consultancy scheduling policy: according to the dates indicated by the contractor and schedule availability. Classes and consultations canceled at least 24 hours in advance can be rescheduled. Otherwise, it will be considered a No Show, without the right to reschedule.

Exchange, return, cancellation and refund policy: in accordance with consumer law, the deadline for requesting a product return or withdrawal is 7 working days from the date of purchase.

© 2023 by Grupo Sou Brasil

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