Training for Teachers of Portuguese as a Foreign Language
In order to offer a tailored service, we carry out online one-to-one consultancy services that last two hours.
We offer flexible schedules according to your availability and needs. Watch the video and see the message from teachers Camilla, Graziela and Lucila. Then, see the complete list of available topics.
In this video the teachers explain how consultancies work.
Value per consultancy
Build your own training path
Discounts each 3 consultancies
Individual: R$300,00
Couple: R$500,00 (R$250,00 per each)
Trio: R$600,00 (R$200,00 per each)
Grups: special prices
All you want to know about celpe-bras: written test
For Portuguese as a foreign language teachers who aim to prepare students applying for Celpe-Bras proficiency exam. Covered content: written test design, 4 activities based on a video, an audio and 2 pieces of news (listening comprehension and text interpretation), tips for doing well, content practice, and evaluation criteria.
all you want to know about celpe-bras: speaking exam
For Portuguese as a foreign language teachers who aim to prepare students applying for Celpe-Bras proficiency exam. Covered content: speaking exam methodology (oral part of the exam / face-to-face interaction), provocative elements, tips for doing well, content practice, and evaluation criteria.
pronunciation in pfl classes: main characteristics of Brazilian Portuguese
For PFL teachers who want to work on pronunciation with their students.
Covered content: exposure of vowel sounds (diphthongs, triphtongs and hiatuses), consonants, main challenges according to the student´s mother tongue, and suggested activities.
Challenging grammar topics
For teachers who are starting in the area or those who want to update their knowledge. Also called Grammar II as it addresses topics aimed at intermidiate and advanced students. It is not necessary to take Grammar I as they are complementary courses. Covered content: general, critical, cultural, sophisticated contents, and elaborate written topics.
1 - Tailored Courses
2 - Included Material
3 - Quality Assurance
4 - Immediate Service
5 - Flexible Time
6 - Internationalization
7 - Technological fluency
8 - Commitment
9 - Fair Price
10 - Certificate of Participation
The Portuguese language in cplp countries
For Portuguese teachers who teaches natives
speakers and foreigners interested in having an up-to-date view of the countries that are part of the CPLP (Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa), such as what percentage of Portuguese speakers is in each country from CPLP, some historical information about the Portuguese colonization in all this countries, and the influence of African and Easter languages in the same territory.
Como dar aulas de português para refugiados e migraNTES DE CRISE
Para professores que estão iniciando na área ou aqueles que querem se atualizar. Conteúdo abordado: especificidades das aulas de português para migrantes de crise e refugiados (metodologia, perfil dos alunos, onde e como oferecer as aulas, dentre outros aspectos relevantes).